Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Project Leadership

You must be the change in the world you wish to see. --Matahama Ghandi

Thank you for visiting, I am going to begin by introducing myself and explaining this project.

My name is Sarra (pronounced SAW-ruh not Sarah), and I am a 16 year old sophomore who attends Oregon Virtual Academy. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, as well as almost anything outside. :) 

For my leadership class, our final project is to pick a problem in our community that we can realistically solve or influence.

I chose homelessness.

Obviously, I can't completely solve this problem so instead I aim to influence change.

Homelessness is a problem that affects more than 600,000 Americans. 35% of that homeless population are families. With children.

By volunteering, we can help those who experience homelessness by giving them food, clothing, and other necessities that we generally take for granted.

Not only would you be helping someone in need, but volunteering can also be a help to volunteer hours in school, as well as religious beliefs.

There are many places around America where you can volunteer to help those experiencing homelessness. In Portland (Oregon, not Maine) I know of Oregon Food Bank (http://www.oregonfoodbank.org/?c=130414545050016377, Sisters of the Road (http://sistersoftheroad.org/ --age applies here), as well as Potluck in the Park off the top of my head. You can find many more oppurtunities and sign up to help at http://www.handsonportland.org/

If this blog influenced you to volunteer, please comment to help my project! :) Also, please share this with friends, family, or anyone else...It really helps!

Thank you!
Sarra JM Hawash